Sunday, 2 September 2012

IT'S HERE: The Stolen: Two Short Stories

Hi everyone!

Well, as those of you who follow me on Twitter already know...The Stolen: Two Short Stories has been released!

Here is where you can buy the Smashwords edition.

...and here is where you can buy it for Kindle.

I don't think I really need to tell you how excited I am about this. I am truly ecstatic and was swearing joyfully all over Twitter as I finally finished the cover edits, formatting, and uploads. Believe me, it was...hard to miss. Still, if you've somehow missed my press releases, tweets, and updates this week, I'll give you a quick run-down.

Source. The illustration was done by the marvelous Karissa Richards, and, of course, I own the image. And yes, that is a hamster on Mars.

The first short story, The Fields, is based on a nightmare I had, and concerns the exploits of a hardened criminal within the penal system of a hardened, technologically backwards colony. Clarice is not a good person, but she's about to learn a whole new level of criminality during her re-education. The literary traditions I follow had a big impact on the writing style in the work, and I hope you will enjoy sharing this nightmare.

The second short story, Wordthieves, was actually mentioned on here a few times. Later this week or thereabouts, I'll have a lovely long post about my influences for this work. Suffice to say, if you like hamsters, religious extremism, candy, hippies, and totalitarianism, with just a sprinkling of sex--I have the book for you! There is also a generous pinch of untranslateable words and some non-English cussing, so you can improve your vocabulary while you're enjoying a gripping story. Of course, I have official summaries posted on both Smashwords and Amazon as well, but you heard the real scoop here first!

A quick PS before I close this post off--the Smashwords link has an extended sample, so if you want a good taste of the work, download that sample!


That's all for today, but there will be more awesomeness in the days to come--including that backstory treat! Keep an eye on new releases by following on Twitter at SciFiMagpie and on Tumblr at SciFiMagpie. Don't forget to buy and share The Stolen: Two Short Stories; you'll be glad you did. This is your SciFiMagpie, over and out for now!

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