Wednesday 27 March 2024


Hi! I'm not dead! In fact, the opposite. My wife had our baby, and he's beautiful and perfect, but also keeping me *very* busy. We're also planning to move soon. Yes, with a new baby.

Add to this - my brain is like, what if we had a bunch of new plot ideas for romantasy projects?

me: but brain, we have editing to do on our existing projects. Like Prairie Weather, and The Foundling City, and Monsters and Fools... brain: BUT NEW SHINY SPARKLIES!

Where are y'all at?


A writer and professional freelance editor, Michelle Browne lives in Lethbridge, AB with her partners-in-crime and their cats. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people's manuscripts, knitting, jewelry-making, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible.

Find her all over the internet: *Website * Mailing list * Magpie Editing * Amazon * Tumblr * Mastodon *Facebook * Medium * Twitter  * OG BlogInstagram * * Ko-fi

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congrats I'm so happy for you! I wish nothing but the best for your family.


As always, be excellent unto others, and don't be a dick.