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Author of queer, wry sci fi/fantasy books. On Amazon.
Editor of all fiction genres.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Three Short Sci-Fi Films

Hello hello!

So, when I'm not writing or reading, I am very fond of movies. Consider this a sort of "Missed It" review of some short films that I really enjoyed. recently. I'll be reviewing these in order of length, and in order of viewing, in fact. So! If you need a break from your Sherlock feels, something to watch that's not just on Netflix, or you're merely looking to spend a couple of hours on something different, I have just the thing.

The first is Pandemic, by Chuck Wendig.

Incidentally, I am now a Wendig-worshipper. The man's brilliant.

This was all show and no tell, and I think that's why I liked it so much. I could stand to watch it a couple more times, frankly. It creates a feeling of horror very effectively in a short time span, and there's minimal use of fancy effects or nonsense. The tension comes from the scale and the mysteries of the implications. What's up with the coal? Is the sister an alien? Possessed? What's the pandemic, exactly? What happens afterwards? It's brief, but very rewarding.

The second film of interest is Junk Head 1. 

I really liked this film because it was subtle, creepy, and unusual without sacrificing emotion or scale. Some of the design elements reminded me of Alien, but the horror really comes from all the unanswered questions about the world. How could humanity fall so low? The aesthetic is grim and oddly beautiful as well. There's even a bit of humour, something that post-apocalyptic settings often neglect, to their detriment. I don't really have anything bad to say about this one; it kept my attention and drew me into its world.

The creator worked on it mostly alone for four years, and is trying to raise funds for a sequel. You should help him. Yamiken Hori is obviously very talented.

The final film is Visioneers, coming in at the longest time.

It features Zach Galifianakis of the mighty beard. I was impressed with his performance and that of the other cast members--the dark comedy of the piece is really stellar. There's a ton of 1984 references as well. I haven't seen the film version, but structurally, Visioneers is similar--but just different enough.

Having worked in an office, OH GODS, THIS MOVIE. It really captures the emotional isolation, meaninglessness, and repetitive nature of office work. There's also some very clever commentary on how people who reject the rat race or try to escape it end up playing into the culture. I won't tell you too much, but it's an on-point analysis of Disney, Walmart, and large corporations in general. And it might just make you lose sleep. Oh, and did I mention the beautiful cinematography and excellent settings? It's precise, and on point, and I could write an entire article analysing it, but I'd prefer that you watch it for yourself. 


Thanks for dropping by the nest once again. Don't miss any of the phuquerie. Find Michelle on TwitterFacebook, and on Tumblr, and find her work on Amazon. Check back on the blog to see when one of the irregular posts has careened onto your feed. This is the one and only SciFiMagpie, over and out! 

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